I know I should inernationalize...but had to many problems...well not problems, but i was well away and up in something else then really thinking about thinking about real stuff! So this was my appology, take it or leave it ;)
Excuse me, but since i know you all, I do know that you understand more of me than i of you...which to me seems bad and to others pathetic...but i will just say...you're so much smarter.
So I miss you and everything everyday. Well tough luck, get used to it...well at least that's what im trying to tell myself. I know going back will never be the same, but i have this idea back in my head and its growing bigger by the day. Hjörtur made it even bigger yesterday. I'm thinking about going back this summer...I mean, might aswell work there as here right!?
Just look, I mean who wouldn't miss this...but above all, who wouldn't miss you guys!

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