A year ago, the morning started with sheer panic...we looked like zebras, this was not supposed to happen! We where supposed to look tanned and nice for the evening...my gosh, no not us! Well the morning continued and the party started as soon as we boarded the bus at nine in the morning. The trip from Búdardal to Reykjavik didn't seem that far at all!
A visit in a sauce/dressing factory, seems so much more fun if you've had something to drink before ;) Vogbaer gave us even more to drink and things to eat :D Life treated us good.
Back at the hotel in Reykjavik we changed to our outfits, man we where stunning and at 6 o'clock it was pre-drinks in the hotel lobby and at 7 the party started. Naminaminam, so nice food, was long ago since i went to a restaurant and was served ;)
We where entertain by "I Svörtum fötum" and we danced all night. We had so much fun and I would really love to do it again!
At 3 we went back to the hotel, changed and the Birna drove us downtown. Reykjavik is really a partytown, we went to this place with a liveband and when we went home at 5 it was still people queing outside and wanted to get in.
This was an unbelivable day and we had so much fun!!! But the trip back in the bus wasn't that fun tho :)
4 kommentarer:
I whish I could remeber what I was doing a year ago!
Probably drinking beer somewhere
Nice dresses, I´m thinking about buying one myself! Villi
Oh, I am sure you will look absolutely amazing in one of these dresses!
And trust me, I wouldn't have know what I did a year ago either, if I hadn't been cleaning this weekend...found the Dagbók I got from MS and in the beginning I was really good and wrote down what was happening! A little more then a year ago (8 of janúar) we went to Tröllutunguheidi...that was just so much fun!!
That´s always fun in the wintertime!
And I hate mondays! Villi
It made it a little bit better...and they did give us something to eat, remember! Was interesting...But I liked Viking in Akureyeri more :D
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