onsdag, juni 06, 2007


Last night was the night of summerX. The last night of university party for the summer. People load their bbq:s and enjoys the sun before they go to this big party. Me, I was not one of them, as I was working at this Do. Us workers started at 8, but didn't have much to do until 23.00. There where bars outside and dancefloors outside...which meant a lot of people trying to climbe the fences to get in...When a person has had a few beers they start to go all crazy and think that they'll climbe those fences in no time and that no one will see them. they seldom do, most of the time there's a fenceguard waiting for them to get down so they can escort them out. Wonder why people even bother!

But it was fun working yesterday, and by doing that I've earned myself a big "Thank you party" today. It starts at 14.00 with us workers drinking whats left in the bars since yesterday and we later continue on to enjoy a meal and our second "bartömning"- since the studentbars will not be open during the summer we have to drink what ever is left...can't have beer waiting around until august!

I'll tell you more about this day later on...

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