torsdag, oktober 26, 2006


I've noticed that some of you are having problem in understanding all this.

For you Dóra, it's ok. You don't know swedish, so you're not supposed to understand ;)

And for you Villi- Not even swedish people understand! I wish I could say it was a strong and abhorring drink. But truth to be told: it's my future! It's a nicknam for what i do...Kognitionsvetenskap, and a person that does that is a kognitionsvetare. And the nickname for that is a koggare!

For you others, my doom is delayed. Tomorrow I'll find out if I passed or not...aaaaarrrhhhhgggg!

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Auðvitað! It´s all getting clearer. I took some test here...
I´m Lena PH, trygghetsfaktor: 50%. I understood almost 50% of the questions so that´s equal!

Anonym sa...

And forgot to write my name. V

Linda sa...

...vilket betyder idag! *håller tummarna*

Lottu sa...

Cool, Lena Ph...I can really see you as her Villi ;)

Anonym sa...

Who is that? Musician? Politic?


Lottu sa...

You remember the eurovision a few years ago...a lady in pink singing "it hurts hurts" that her, very glamourous :) But a scary sight ;)So villi, howz everything?

Anonym sa...

Eurovisionknowledge is not my strong side ;) But everything is bara gott I think, long and boring workweek behind, and now it´s long and boring jeepfixing, hopefully some fun next weekend though. Anyway, I stopped by in Budardalur today to buy beer so it´s gonna be ok I suppose!